Fast CAT Fun Runs

This weekend I entered Flint into a fun run of AKC Fast CAT with the local kennel club I belong to. Fast CAT is a 100 yard dash where dogs run one at a time chasing a lure. CAT stands for Coursing Ability Test. Any dog is eligible, your dog does not have to be a purebred but to run in the titled races you do have to be signed up ahead of time. The fun runs were for people who had not signed up or had never done it before and wanted to try.

On Flint’s first try he seemed confused. Someone else released him and I was at the end yelling and whistling for him but he kept looking for me at the sides of the fencing instead. Finally with some help from the field volunteers he got pointed in the right direction and found me. His second run went better because he he figured out where I was quicker. Once he saw me and heard me whistle he came running. It took him 31.89 seconds to get to me. Still don’t know how fast that means he was going. He had fun! But I am not sure that this is going to be a new activity for him.

He and I were both tired by the end of the day, and both came home to take and hour nap.

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